but expressing the anger of the american people and most of all, he has to be someone that the public trusts. you look back over history. the two roosevelts and john kennedy were from the aristocracy. they were rich. the public trusted them. the little man and little women trusted them because they said that man is not out to rip me off. he's out to help the country. where is a candidate who's going to help the country. >> they've so rigged the game so rigged the system. it's not that the people don't want such a person. pat and you are exactly right. they've rigged the game so it's hard work. >> but not impossible. >> the media too. because the media decided who to focus on and who to completely ignore. >> we have to everybody it there. we have to take a quick break, but we'll be back. hillary clinton is not known to be close with the media but her