is love. >> he is a jordanian christian leader. >> but tell me if the flock is not going to act this way. sometimes we have to use force not to kill others but to force them to come to wisdom. >> as we wait for the radicals to come to wisdom, others are enkleined to make the-- inclined to make the point more forcefully. >> you wouldn't have anything that's happing if you simply slammed them. we are not going to put 50,000 troops in we are not going to drive around so you can id he is we are going to kick your ass. if you don't like what united states does to you if you persecute christians and other people we are going to come after you. we are not going to build your schools or your mosques we are going to hit you really hard. if you do it again we are going to hit you again. be good people and don't kill and persecute tens of thousands of people in the name of radical