scene he said he was there when lloyd was killed. was that a mistake? >> looking back on it it, it may have been a mistake. that was really the only way they could have had their defense. their defense was that it wasn't hernandez that pulled the trigger. that he was just a dupe that was standing by as or tease ortiz and wallace were committing the crime. they said ortiz and wallace were on pcp and decided to kill him. in order to get that defense to stick they basically had to concede that hernandez was there. not to mention after 10 weeks of trial, all the evidence point to the fact that he was there. there was cell phone evidence that pointed to the fact that he was there they found the rental car that was banged up. i mean tons and tons of evidence that showed that he was actually there that night. so the confession may have been a mistake but it was really the only way they could make their defense. >> mr. tracy, why did the