go to initially? why would the administration be giving this aid? i think a lot of people are saying yemen not necessarily known as being a safe place even though the president said it's a success story. so why did we give so much money in the first place? >> well basically what we want is the big push by this administration and plenty of other administrations. building the partnership exals city of foreign militaries essentially getting a bond with the military. training them giving them equipment so they could stand up on their own and alleviate some of the types of operations that the u.s. military would help them with. >> well let's hope that it doesn't end up in the wrong hands because the worst thing would be have it end up ending in the wrong hands and possibly being used against our allies or worse if we decide to put u.s. troops on the ground. marcus, thank you. >> thank you. >> and today's mosque attack raising new fears that isis is gaining ground in yemen. that country is already a hot bed for al qaeda and middle east expert barack