again fraternities are pools of testosterone and dangerous and it all fits so conveniently. then, we get to ferguson. and ferguson, don't shoot said the narrative about how the police are inherently dangerous to minorities. what the report demonstrates, by the way, is not, it seems to me bias but disparate impact which is a different -- >> and we're going to get into that. juan, i want to know, you wrote eyes on the prize, one of the most important books written, ever written, about the civil rights movement. how do you put together selma, and ferguson, and race in america? what are your thoughts this week? >> well, selma is a great point of reference for looking at where we are on civil rights. when you look back at selma, people crossing the bridge, chris you know, there's a moment when you see americans willing to stand in the face of violence to bring to reality, you know, the more perfect union, the declaration of independence has promised that