overseas and infiltrate their ideas. >> infiltrate their ideas? >> spread the american way to other one countries. >> you know what i'm talking about. he doesn't want to get involved in conflicts. >> doesn't want to bomb overseas. >> involved in conflicts. >> would like congress to vote on it and i assume americans like that idea. >> all right but if they did he wouldn't be polling at 6% down from 8 in november. >> it's name recognition at this point. >> i mean he is on every cable show except the factor, he should be having pretty big. >> you are saying things like libertarians want to smoke pot all day and they work. >> it's out of context. it's totally out of context. >> talking but want to smoke pot all day? what do you do into no one knows. >> rand paul led a brilliant filibuster when president obama wouldn't say yeah can a kill an american citizen in america. >> if ben carson is polling