i'm going to say good-bye. this is the last e-cigs of huckabee on the fox news channel. now for the past six and a half years i've felt honored to come into your home each week and bring a variety of news, politics, entertainment music and great stories of amazing people. it has been the ride of a lifetime. and i've never hads so much fun in my life. i've met people i never dreamed i'd meet, and i played music with legends in the music business. but i also realize that god hasn't put me on earth just to have a good time or to make a good living. but rather god has put me on earth to try to make a good life. there's been a great deal of speculation as to whether i would run for president and if i were to absolutely ready to rule that out i could keep doing this show. now i'm not going to make a decision about running until late in the spring of 2015. but the continued chatter had