stop driving so much. >> what's going on? >> we are just interested in why you chose him because it seems like you guys would have liked to misrepresent or organization. look like you are some sort of hippie thing. >> thank you for interrupting. >> this conversation is over. >> what happens to solar energy when there's no sun outside? >> it stores the energy from the day when there's sunlight and there's enough to power when there isn't. >> this is a lot faster than solar power. >> what happens when the wind stops blowing? >> it stores it. it just fills up the energy. >> come again? >> so did you drive or did you walk? >> i actually drove. >> i drove. >> uh-oh. what about all the emissions? >> i'm sorry? >> i don't know what we're talking about. >> this is not about us taking a trip across the country, this is about young people standing up for our future. >> how did you get here? >> i drove. >> okay. so you don't have shoes on, what