sure enough, brain cancer. i have brain cancer. you never learn anything, sean by looking it up on the internet. except one time i did find out that jock itch is also the name of a porn star in norway. found that out. that's the only thing i learned. >> oh, man. so what do you do for christmas? >> what do i do for christmas? here's what i'm doing this year. i'm going to make some new year's resolutions. >> okay. >> i usually screw them up, but last year i kept my new year's resolution the whole year last year. i never joined a gym. so i was proud about that. people always want to lose weight. >> you did lose weight. you did it on commercials for a while. >> sean, that was eight years ago. you got to get with the program. >> you looked good for a while. >> what's that supposed to mean? you lost weight. i lost weight. let me tell you something. >> i'm doing martial arts, you know. >> are you doing -- get out of here. >> i train five days a week.