of people feeling mess mystic. last time this lowf2fç shortly before the recovery in the 1990s, another way to get out of this is to have the economy pick up. >> is it an indictment of the obamab z policies? >> well, i don't know. i think that there is a strong argument to be made that part of the reason that washington is ground to a halt is that the opposition party for most ofí.iis obama's term has dug in their heels and said we are-!?z not going to go forward with policies the ones that you want. that has created tension in washington between obamaened at republican party. >> for a long time we had the house and the senate the. >> the most bitter ironies of the obama years for the president is he came in and wanting to restore faith in government. and as completely failed andmhq3 then the irony to philip's point the people who are feeling most pessimistic now are the coalition ironic. >> io÷6/r panel, thank you. always nice to see you. >> thank you. >> straight ahead mike rogers sending a rise about the rise of terrorism. is he blaming president is he blaming president obama. [ breathing deeply ] [ inhales deeply ]