circumstances when it comes to certain contraception coverage. nancy pelosi and many on the left came out and tried to create this false firestorm. they set up a bunch of straw men that were not real. there is plenty to debate over the actual hobby lobby ruling. they won't do it. they decide to invent these scary caricatures of the ruling and then tell everybody that's what the supreme court did to try to scare them. >> for example, they want -- nancy pelosi and her ilk want everyone to believe that the supreme court, the men are. >> yes. >> don't want to give american women birth control. >> birth control and she went so far as to say just a couple quotes. this is a scary court. we should be afraid of if. the five guys who start determining what contraceptions are legal, false. not true. then she says that five men could get down to the specifics of whether a woman use use a diagram? false. she is blatantly misleading the american people. there is room for high per