about 10 years following the clintons. i wrote a book in 2005 called the truth about hillary. i have written books about obama. my rolodex is as long as my arm. and no one has come forward to challenge anything in this new book blood feud. >> so you have got a great quote. amazing quote here if there hillary clinton. i don't know where it came from but i love it. she says this about obama. obama turned into the joke. the irs targeting the tea party. the justice department seizure of the a.p. phone records and james rosen emails. all these scandals obama allowed hatred for enemies to screw him the way nixon did. obama was incompetent and feckless. that's a harsh judgment it? >> is a harsh judgment but this is inside the obama administration where she saw him at work day in and day out. she and bill think that this guy is inexperienced, over his head president who really doesn't know what he is doing. >> they said that on the campaign trail. i mean hillary clinton said as much on the campaign trail before he was ever