maybe that's self-evident. i just wanted to get my grade. i just wanted to pass. rick, he says terrible things, i agree. there is a first amendment, including a first amendment to be stupid even a first amendment to be racist and accuse people falsely of it. i mean, it's ugly. >> you know, the fact that we're talking about state universities makes it a little bit more damning in that you have taxpayer funds that are supporting it. i tend to agree that most of the students in that class are able to, i would hope, at the age of 18, 19, 20, whatever, filter out any opinions to their professor and realize what it was. i had conservative professors and liberal professors it is exchange of ideas. >> this is particularly sharper. >> this is stronger and sharper than you would expect to hear and certainly in a creative writing class. >> to me it's sort of like what we said here. that it's taking the cues from the national leaders. there has been a coordinated effort to talk about republicans as racists, at the very top level. steve israel, the head of the election arm to get house democrats reelected,