from campus unfortunately it seems to be getting more and more intense every year. >> in this case it's a little weird since she alley stands for things that you think would be in favor of. the emancipation of women in the islamic world. she is against genital mutilation. she is for girls going to school. these are hardly reactionary positions. >> right. i mean, and if you look for sort of a coherence in the point of the people want speakers to be disinvited, you can't find it in a lot of different cases. really, i think this is the ultimate result of campuses telling students they have a right not ton offended. they don't have to -- it doesn't have to make any sense. >> what is so strike something that instead of make a counter case, they just have trying to make these people be quiet and go away. wouldn't this be a great opportunity to have a public debate over, i don't know, the role of islam in america? they don't want that, do they? >> absolutely. i wrote a book called