working for four individuals who started a consulting company. three of whom are major hillary supporters. >> he pointed that out, yes. absolutely. >> one philip reigns is the gate keeper for hillary clinton. this is the narrative that if hillary clinton decides to run for president in 2016, this will be the narrative. and they will blame it on some bureaucrats at langley here in america who came up with an inclusion that it was protester. so they will point to some underlings, rather than they had knowledge. even the state department during the attack, bill, put out two cables that said they -- number one, they knew it was terrorism and, number two, they knew that it could be ansar al al sharia al qaeda group. >> morell took that out. >> morell took that out. who is taking the fall? morell is taking the fall for hillary and for barack obama. that's today. >> earn agonize salary at the consulting firm.