pilots turn plane around to use as weapon. malaysia shot it down and cleaned up mess and gave false leads. sean, what do you think about these tweets? >> any and everything is on the table right now there are certain things that stand out in my mind. had you mentioned to me before we came on the air. usually these planes are equipped if they go down, if they crash. elt signals come out and that would have informed us that in fact something dramatic happened. here is what i am looking at and what really stands in my mind. we know the transponder was turned off. we know the pilots have the ability to do that that stands out. the fact that the path was altered by computer command as was reported yesterday, that stands out in my mind. that tells me that there is somebody cockpit. last pings with some intel. some six hours into the flight. 7 hours into the flight tells me they had enough fuel in that aircraft to go much further than i think