>> certainly. so the youth misery index is something that the young americans foundation puts out annually. we come up with this number, which this year is 98.6, by adding up youth unemployment, student loan debt numbers and then we take the national debt per capita. so youth unemployment in august was 16.3. and then the student loan get average was 29,400. so that's 29.4 on our scale, which is the highest it's ever been. and then you take the national debt, everybody sharing that $17 trillion debt that obama has racked up during his presidency. and that number is 52,948. so 52.9 on the scale. so it all comes out to 98.6, which is the highest it's ever been. and under obama, since 2009 until now, what we have seen is an 18.1% increase under his administration for his presidency. therefore, we believe that makes him the worst president for youth economic opportunity.