has been reporting about the number of carjackings that have sky rocketed. >> gang violence is a poison in our society. you have four defendants here. from a defense standpoint they still have to be represented by council, and if you have a nonshooter defendant who wasn't in the car, one of the people off to the side, there is a possibility for a deal there especially with cooperation and testimony. >> they had the goods on these guys, likely, doug? >> you would think. one big advantage of cell phone photos is everybody has phones out and taking pictures, mall surveillance and the wife is a huge witness against all four. i would imagine they have a very, very strong case. >> but somebody is going to flip to get to the higher ups. >> that's what david is saying and you are right. you go after a guy who is tagging along and somebody who, oh my god, i had no idea they were going to kill somebody. i was just in it for a carjacking. >> there would be a defendant