romance throughout all romance novels throughout the world, not just here, and that's a study that they put forward. now, maybe somebody somewhere ought to research that. >> private money can do that. >> sure, but should we spend $1 million doing that at a time when we're going belly up as a country? >> what else do we have? >> the ft. hood killer. because the administration said that was workplace violence rather than a terrorist attack, we paid him over $250,000 all the time he was waiting trial. >> meanwhile, we're cutting the money for the military. >> yeah. we pay the guy that killed, what, i think 12 people and injured some 20 or 30 others? and we continue to pay him until he was convicted. he's not collecting money now, but had it been declared a terrorist incident, he wouldn't have gotten any money, but yet, we made a decision to do that. so, somebody somewhere made a stupid decision. you know, when you're yelling allah agbar as you're killing