the motto is account believe care. they have proven to be successful at mayo and other m big institutions who know how to manage themselves well.ev >> if you believe somebody hasc to ration, the a government g can rationov through obamacare. they are exposed to some of the costs of their decisions or the doctor can ration care by being capitated and bearing the cost of what they are delivering. the they are favoring the doctor being capitaded. >> that means individual payment. >> they are taking care of a a whole population of payments and if they do more for theking patients they will lose money. that's the least transparent place for the next success ofony -- nexus to reside with the doctor. as a patient you may not know what is offered to you. at least you can see what thedon government is doing and if you are forced to make the considerations you know the choices you are making. >> thanks so much for being here. still ahead, if the obamacare