part of this mountain of misery of obamacare, with the cancellations, employer mandate. the only thing that worked with obamacare was obama's golft swing. so once the web site gets fixed which had probably will, the media is going to say, everything is fine. and that's where it starts. that's where you have the republicans have to start saying, no, it's not just about the web site. web site was one of 17 problemss >> hold on. you brought up max baucus. >> let's see how much can be put together and how much humpty dumpty can be put together. then maybe we should start thinking about delaying the penalties. >> what was it, eric, all the king's horses and all the king' men -- >> and all the liberals in dc couldn't put obamacare back together again.uldn greg is right, as soon as they fix the web site -- 'cause thean