will institute the changes on their own timeline. most importantly, you will not be forced to listen to your seat mate's conversation about a bad date or anything else. cell phone conversations will still be forbidden will in flight. testing has not removed every doubt that cell phone use has at least the potential to interfere with flight controls under some circumstances. >> the committee found that in some instances of low visibility about 1% of all flights, some landing systems may not be proven to tolerate the interference. >> reporter: and that may be just as well because phones cannot get reception at altitude, and batteries drain faster as your phone seeks a tower that it can't find. so here's what you can do, though, you can use those e-readers, gaming devices, downloaded movies, but devices must be used in airplane mode or with the cellular connection disabled. you may still use the wi-fi connection if the plane has a wi-fi system and the airline allows its use. ing use wireless keyboards, but