don't care. >> well, you pointed to the media you hit the media in your talking points. >> if the folks really cared and demanded honest reportage, they couldn't get away with it the media couldn't get away with what they are doing. >> well, the headline readers. >> the problem lies with the folks, does it not? >> i think it's a double edged sword here. if this were the bush administration, it would be above the fold, digging deep, still into benghazi. why by the way is no one asking questions, real questions about the contractors that got the contracts to do the obama care web site? and all the meetings. by the way i think 60 mince is going to do something on benghazi. >> about time. for instance valerie jarrett had all these very interesting meetings leading up to the design of obama care web site. what happened at those meetings? who was there? were there no bid contracts? the press should have been on this the moment this thing had problems.