where he is. >> right. >> you have got to know. unless they lie to you. if they lie to you that's a different story. this guy said i thought he was at a friend's house. come on. come back to the home. but right now he needs to get some counseling. >> and the parents are together. listen, the parents are together. they very much want their child back. they also need help. the judge has granted liberal visitation privileges to still maintain the communication which is important. the last thing you want to do is alienate from two parents that want to be. help them. give them some parenting classes and prevent this child from going. >> that sounds reasonable to me. now back to obama care. as you know this controversy about private concerns, paying into a system that will pay for birth control and in some cases abortion. and on religious basis they don't want to pay into that system. >> morning after pill. >> it's the morning after pill that is at stake here. two oklahoma companies,