back many 1976. -- in 1976. you mentioned there are entire communities that are cut off. the town of lyons, 2,000 people, is under hand tear evacuation -- mandatory advantage wakes, however, they can't get out of there, and rescuers can't get to them. so the national guard is going in with 14 high profile vehicles to try to get those folks out of that town because the roads are all washed out. emergency officials here many colorado are telling people, stay off the roads, and the governor is telling people to stay out of the water. >> most of our injuries often in these types of disasters, fatalities occur with people trying to walk through, get from their car, walk through what looks like maybe a foot or two feet of water, looks harmless. you've got to recognize that this water is filled with debris and sand, and it is almost like liquid cement. >> reporter: it also has sewage running through it.