and don't cross him. because if he could -- wipe out this man's life, what dud could do to me? >> after blasting away august meier, starkweather got his car stuck in the mud outside meier's farm. walking along the dark highway, the two were spotted by two popular bennett teenagers, 17-year-old robert jenson and 16-year-old carol king. in a fateful decision, jenson offered them a ride. wasn't long before starkweather had them at gun point in the back seat. their bloody bodies were found in a dank storm cellar near august meier's farm. jenson had been shot six times in the head. king once. her partially nude body had also been sexually mutilated. >> you saw the storm cellar? >> yes, a terrible sight. i can close my eyes and seep i today. those two kids' bodies face down in the storm cellar both shot to death. and carol mutilated.