of good will would embrace this. >> we as consumers, bill, you see it in the stores like cvs, kmart, walgreens who will not carry it, stores and consumers have the right not to buy it. >> monica, is completely right about it. boycott this magazine. bill: doug, monica, i have got to run. thank you. 22 minutes till the hour. >> thank you. martha: pressure is mounting on san diego's mayor, robert filner. have you heard this story? he is rejecting demands for his resignation following allegations that he groped and harassed multiple women. many reports of this in fact. so now san diego's city council has taken the unusual step of stepping in to try to deal with this scandal. william la jeunesse joins us now live with the very latest on this in los angeles. william? >> reporter: martha, city managers told filner he can not be in a room alone with female staff or constituents. the city attorney is drafting a policy to protect women working with the mayor.