>> shepard: what is the situation. you don't live on base, you live a little north? >> about an eighth mile north of base. my options were since we don't have a storm shelter and our house is all exterior walls, we have no interior to the home that we could have either gone to tinker or pretty much got the hell out of dodge which is what we chose to do. >> shepard: at tinker they have underground shelters for everybody, right? >> i'm not sure about the underground part but designated tornado shelters in every building. >> shepard: what you did instead is get out of down. head south or north? >> drove north for ten miles and then headed east and north a little bit more. kind of zig zagging trying to beat the traffic. >> shepard: and just get out of the way of the storm. what were you seeing as you were leaving? >> we tried to wait until the last minute and we got a couple of stragglers on our block and my stubborn neighbors decided not to leave they were going to ride it out.