i think he jays recalibrating the approach in mali. he wants to use more indigenous forces and turn it over to more -- our training role, rather than more american boots on the granted there. i think he is signal that this large american occupation of places like afghanistan and iraq has to be a thing of the past. >> i want to make sure that you both weigh in on benghazi. we continue to learn more information. the house has played a major role with several hearings, trying to get to the bottom of what we know, a timeline for what happened and who knew what when. congressman thornberry are you satisfyd? what pieces of information, if any, are still lacking for you? >> i think there continue to be questions what happened before, what happened during special what happened after the attack in benghazi. as a matter of fact, we were both in a lrg this week where i learned new things about what went on that day. and whether it's exactly twho denied the repeated requests for