surely you would find a half a million dollars or half a billion dollars in savings to deal with the issue in a way that doesn't impact public health and safety and the american air traveler are anded our economy. when people are sitting there on the tarmac for hours at a time it has profound impact on our productivity as well. >> greta: i guess looking at worst case scenario and i hope we are only looking at being annoyed and affecting the economy. >> i hope so, too. they better be paying attention to this that aspect of it. there is a solution out there and the administration needs to come forward and work with us to try and solve this in a way that isn't so inconveniencing and so painful not american public. >> greta: it should be done tomorrow. >> right. >> greta: senator, thank you. >> thanks, greta. >> greta: coming up, the report on benghazi setting out a new controversy. ambassador bolton will be back. ambassador bolton will be back. not a one hit [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.