>> i think it's outrageous. the troops and the sailors that we are out there to support count on fleet week to get out there and be in the community, enjoy themselves, get a bit of time. the community itself suffers because they are not able to enjoy their participation. they are not going to do it for the first time in 22 years. >>brian: you haven't seen land in a while. you come back to the u.s. and find out this is taken away. what does it do to you to find out other people aren't sacrificing. maybe you can go to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> you spend sometimes four or five, six months on ships. you look forward to the port visit. fleet week is not an average port visit. tp-s a speck tack -- it is a spectacular event, a lot of people coming on board ship and saying hello to the sailors and showing support for our men and women in uniform. it is something to look forward to. when you see the president