laws anyway, let's not make the laws to keep the military weapons because people are going to get them. if the laws we pass can prevent one more death it's imperative that our lawmakers consider them like they promised they would and i think in this day and age with gun violence as prevalent as it is, you can be pro gun and still pro gun safety, and common sense legislation. >> i think this is going to backfire on president obama politically. think about the democrats up for reelection in 2014. >> he cares about the-- >> i'm going to have to stop you there. >> thanks. >> you guys can continue to discuss this and maybe come up with a solution. >> thanks, kelly. >> thanks, deneen as well as mark. >> happy easter as well. >> new information on a massive landslide in washington state. take a look at these pictures. officials now constructing a path leading to the devastated cliff side neighborhood on whidbey island and they're also urging the public to stay