> four americans went down with the plane and two died, four in prison and 850,000 american veterans alive"> > four americans went down with the plane and two died, four in prison and 850,000 american veterans alive" property="og:description"> > four americans went down with the plane and two died, four in prison and 850,000 american veterans alive">
five" co-host bob beckel is leading the charge. >> four americans went down with the plane and two died, four in prison and 850,000 american veterans alive today and you owe them an amazing big apology. the idea that you would somehow bring to the american screen that kind stuff is outrageous, i don't know what my co-hosts have to say, but i tell you this from cbs you guys better apologize. you say you have no, you've got no comment. how do you have no comment on something as outrageous as that. and i tell you one thing, cbs, which was a great network, you don't want to become known as the communist bastard sympathizers, you guys were anti-american and deserve to apologize to veterans. i can't, for the life of me, understand why there are smart people over there. somebody had to look at this and somebody should have said, this is wrong. you didn't do it, you deserve to do it and you better do it because i'm not getting off of this thing. i may have a small perch, but i'm going after you every day