>>gretchen: you bring up an important point that maybe this was the i am impetus for people wanting to get into the military knowing part of their education would be paid for while they were there. >> they go to college while on active duty and then become an officer. some of the great officers are those who have gone up the ranks much we're going to lose that in large part by cutting this program. it's not just a benefit cut. it's a quality of military cut. >>gretchen: you are proposing here at least in new york state that the state pick up to fund the rest of this? >> that is correct. what we're saying is if we have new york military personnel enrolled in state universities or city universities, we're going to say we're going to let you stay, continue out your degree because, one, you've been serving our country. and, two, we don't want to pull the rug out from under you. the cost will be minimal. there's a bill making its way through the assembly to allot $25 million to give financial aid to illegal