billion worth. here is the authority and here are the $85 billion worth of programs you want to cut. they can win the debate but they have to make the point first. martha: if we go into the room with four top leaders we should go in with specific ideas what the republicans suggested cuts are to the budget. we heard from mitch mcconnell moments after this meeting was announced. that is fine. we'll go in there and we'll talk. there will not be any new tax revenue increases. alan, what about this issue. what happened back when, before the sequester kicked in, was that, boehner offered a deal. it was called the grand bargain. the way it has been reported that the president wanted to tack on 400 billion in increased tax hikes at that moment. boehner walked out of the room. no, we're not going to do that. we had a deal. we'll not go with more tax hikes. we got to the point of the sequester coming about. it was said, let's do 800 billion in that area in closing tax loopholes. but the president said no.