ceo inside the state of union. the the last time the democrats passed a budget the ipad wasn't even interes introduced they are already onto their third version. martha: thank you very much, congressman kevin mccarthy, it's always good to have you on. >> thank you. bill: can't stop apple. check of the markets we are treading market as investors react to the state of the union address later tonight. the economy will take center stage. it's been on center sthaeupbl centanni tere stagcenter stage for five years. businesses are really doing well. martha: a little more stuff overseas. bill: right at the 14,000 mark. we'll keep and eye on that for you. martha: this is not the first time that we have told you this story, with regards to north korea. but this time this nuclear test, the experts are saying looks very different and very concerning from the rogue nation as they take a huge step toward launching a nuclear missile.