babies. take advice from sandra fluke. sandra fluke. she's so much more -- has so much more life experiences thani this pediatric neurosurgeon. that's my point. >> was that tongue in t cheek? >> i was being ironic that this guy knows what he's talking about, this is the guy you should listen to. not someone on the planet for 31 years trying toe get pills. >> so you're a fan? >> i liked him, too. it takese a lot of guts, first f all, to stand up in front of a room as i did this week and dana helped me out. >> she was your host. >> with you to do it and takeo down the president of the unitei states sitting five feet away, that guy has a lot of guts. his ideas are i agree that it's not that hard. it's notar that hard to figure t out. this guy figured it out in a couple of o minute.