>> sean: and bo dietl, i want to count the bullets in your gun right now. seven bullets is an important number. this was not by accident because wouldn't that then, therefore, make, what, 90, 95% of semi automatic handguns illegal in new york? >> that's what they're doing, this is just an attack, it's an attack on the second amendment is what it boils down to, sean. >> the sad thing is, how little it has to do with keeping children safe and how much it has to do with a decades long attack on the second amendment freedoms of american citizens. when this thing happened, this horrible tragic event. we at the n.r.a. is about as mainstream an organization as we can get. 4 million members, soon to be 5 million members, we have 11,000 police instructors, 80,000 police families in the n.r.a. 100,000 safety instructors, what will make people safer? we said, one thing, let's immediately put a police officer in every school in the country.