just get everybody together and got to just-- >> right up boehner's alley. speaker boehner loves to hug it out. oh, i've been waiting for this. okay, chris, thank you. >> you bet. >> megyn: the new question today about why we are not seeing more investigation, any investigation into why government agents waited weeks to arrest an illegal immigrant who also is a sex offender and was working for this powerful democratic senator. the ap reported that they delayed the arrest until after that democrat was reelected, and who is investigating this, other than the associated press? that's right after this break. and the accused gunman in the devastating shootings in connecticut and colorado suspected of having serious mental health issues. now, president obama has issued some executive orders seeking the mental health, he wants a national dialog, but dr. keith ablow says the president has missed a huge opportunity and he is here to explain that. and dreaming of the day you can retire?