you know that without peeking. >> steve: sea world. [ laughter ] he's making a harming sound. >> brian: with his tusk? >> gretchen: i thought you were going with the wood pecker because we thought that was the big live pinocchio told. it was the wood pecker that came back to make his nose go back short. >> brian: right. because he evidently, pinocchio, went to the circus instead of school. >> steve: yeah. it was all about becoming a real boy and his nose grew because he told some lies. >> brian: steve, don't get us off track. >> steve: sound number two, ladies and gentlemen. (sound) aardvark. >> brian: flamingo. >> gretchen: toucan. >> brian: and the answer is? a whale. >> steve: killer whale? >> gretchen: we're learning is we're supposed to pick things in the water. >> steve: let's try the third one. what is this animal critter,