land. had too much fuel on board to land right away. so it had to circle in the air for about 30 minutes before touching back down. in its departure city of kansas city, missouri. everybody was a little shaken but okay. uma: there's new information the shooting that stunned the country on christmas eve. two volunteer firefighters were killed in an ambush and two others were uninjured when they responded to a house fire. that fire was set by the gunman luring the firefighters into a deadly trap. police arrested. 24-year-old dawn win, accusing buying two guns william spengler used in rampage and for falsely indicating on a for she would be the owner of the weapons. spengler killed himself after the shooting but what responsibility does win face for this crime? let's bring in the legal panel right now. frred tecce, former federal prosecutor. and eric. former criminal defense attorney. >> happen new year.