♪ and i fall to pieces. >> president obama and house speaker john boehner represented create this fiscal cliff. if they don't get a long-term budget deal done by january 2nd, 2013, massive automatic spending cuts are triggered. now, do you know what the president's plan is to address this cliff? >> he says he wants to raise taxes on all the rich people. >> every time it comes on the radio, or the news, i turn it off. >> raise taxes on the rich, which i think will fund government for like a week. >> are you worried about your taxes going up. >> no. i actually hope the fiscal cliff happens. >> what? >> push it off the cliff. let's do it. >> do you know who john boehner is. >> no. >> he is a tan guy that cries a lot. >> he cries a lot. >> he cries a lot? >> yes, he does. >> poor thing. >> speaker of the house. >> do you know who john boehner is. >> my best friend. >> i have seen him we use the same tanning bed. >> the fiscal cliff? >> yes. >> are you afraid? >> i'm very worried, yes, indeed. >> i'm scared of heights though. >> are you nervous? >> i think you are making me