leon panetta says he's focusing on looming se sequestration defense and budget cuts and other defense challenges. he also says it's no secret that he wants to get back to his private life in california. martha. martha: we will see. molly, thank you very much. bill: if you had a vineyard in california -- judge you'd want to get back there too. bill: you'd probably be daydreaming about it all day long. a series of high profile meetings get underway at the white house to talk about the looming fiscal cliff. the first group in the door today, labor leaders and progressives from the democratic party base. matt mccall president of penn financial group and jerry willis, host of the willis report on the fox business network. how are you two doing today. good morning to you. the business leaders go to the white house tomorrow, congressional leaders there toward the end of the week. today you get mary k. henry who sedz up the seiu. trump ka.