mitt romney. >> i found that finding absolutely fascinating that is a huge advantage, when you look at the way that mitt romney is talking about the economy. the thing that he did differently in this debate than he did in denver and usually done in his stump speech, he turned quickly from his indictment of president obama's economic record which i thought was particularly strong in this debate, then he turned and compared it to the reagan recovery, said we need to do better. he turned again and ended that answer on a really optimistic note that i thought sort of struck just the right tone. he wasn't just being sour about the way things have been for the last four years, but he is also looking forward and saying things can be much better. i think people really grab onto that. bill: almost like the, the theme for the romney team could be in three words, what's your plan? >> right. bill: you wonder whether or not that's the closing argument in the coming weeks. we shall see. stephen hayes, thanks for your time in washington. >> thanks, bill. bill: martha. martha: the final debate is