>> and buying toys and jewelry, and male and female. so, on jewelry, you can look at things like, retail, $250 for this watch. eastbound, $125. so, you can always buy things that haggle down or buy it on bargains on like eastbound, that kind of thing. my dress, a third of the cost of retail dress. >> really? >> i got this gently used on eastbound. >> clayton: gently used and tools my dad handed down some of his tools to me, great, they last a lifetime. >> tools don't go bad. you keep them in good shape and pick them up at yard sales, craigslist, ebay, great idea. >> exercise gear. i would have thought the sweatier stuff to avoid, but things, go to, like actual weights and-- >> baseballs, and you know, and weights, and even you can even do thread mills and ellipticals, and check them