evil person or did he suffer from a disease or defect that rendered him incapable of distinguishing right from wrong. jon: carol chambers has said she is willing to look at the death penalty, and all likelihood i would expect, you know, being from colorado and knowing the state, i would expect this will become a death penalty case. but what happens? i mean, we mentioned she's out of office in november. >> right. jon: what happens if the prosecutor elected to replace her doesn't want to pursue the course that she has set? >> well, then they will have the power. it will either be george brockford, the republican who's just won a primary, or ethan feldman, a democrat. the election takes place at the same time the presidential election. i would expect that if carol chambers announces they're going for the death penalty, i doubt they would just say i'm against the death penalty because that would not be popular in that jurisdiction. but there's always the possibility of a plea bargain.