>> yeah. we've got to deal with the sequestration issue, absolutely. >> we're not doing that now. >> just speaking for myself, we put forward a proposal in the house of representatives today that would prevent the sequestration from taking place, a balanced approach for 10 years and an immediate one if people want to do it for a year. it was a misks revenue and additional cuts that are wasteful. >> if you go across the hill to the united states cincinnati which is dominated by your party, senator harry reid has not put up a budget to be discussed in the last three and a half years. it's both parties. i'm equal opportunity on this. there's a lot of gamesmanship and pointing figures. the job is not being done, it's pushed off to lame duck, and most persons don't have the pleasure of pushing their job off. >> that's true. we should be voting on the jobs package, the jobs plan that the president submitted to the house last september.