now denounced atheist and joung me the author of that book, the chairman of the religious freedom coalition, bill murray. great having you here. >> when i see some of the pictures i remember when your mother was sort of in her heyday and she was a reviled woman because she he offended the sensitivities and senseabilities of so many god firing americans. did you grow up feeling that hey, people hate my mother and hate me. did you wear it as a badge of courage at the time? >> our family was definitely dinner. >> mike: that's putting it mildly. >> and we did, we were different. i mean, as you said, my mother attempted to defect to the soviet union, she was a marxist leader in the community and our neighborhood was for the most part immigrants from many of those communist countries, from poland, from hungary, from

Related Keywords

Book ,Atheist Markist ,Bill Murray ,Freedom ,Coalition ,Joung ,Chairman ,Mother ,Some ,God ,Woman ,Senseabilities ,Sensitivities ,Heyday ,Pictures ,Firing Americans ,Mike Huckabee ,People ,Family ,Dinner ,Feeling ,Courage ,Badge ,Community ,Neighborhood ,Many ,Immigrants ,Part ,Countries ,Marxist Leader ,Soviet Union ,Hungary ,Poland ,

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