megyn: well, those remarks, the private sector is doing fine, are already the subject of a commercial, of an ad the rnc is putting out of the republicans are asking with more than 23 million americans out of work or underemployed should the president be saying that the private sector is doing fine? we'll take that up in a fair and balanced debate with chris hahn and chris plante moments from right now. a 60 second congressional question and answer session with the bureau of labor statistics is raising a whole lot of new questions this week whether this administration is playing political games how they report employment data. the president's team claimed great success with its so-called green jobs program, saying they have created more than 3 million such jobs, leading congressman darrell issa to ask, what exactly is a green job? listen. >> if you're sweeping the floor in a solar panel production facility, is that a green job? >> if you asked me for the