weekend, the only person ever convicted of the bombing for pan am flight 103 has died, abdel megrahi died in h*euba, nearly three years after scotland released him from prison on grounds of compassion. a lot of people had a problem with that. he was suffering from cancer. the doctor said he had only months to live. of course, he went on for three more years after that. in his homeland, he was treated as a hero. who can forget that, a hero's welcome on the ground on libya when he came back. of course there was no compassion shown to the victims on that doomed plane. pan am flight 103 enroute from heathrow to new york city, right before christmas, was blown up at 31,000 feet over lockerbie, scotland, december 21st, 1988, it killed 270 people on board, 259 were on the plane, including 189 americans, which also included a number of syracuse university students coming home for the holidays after a semester abroad.